At the heart of Wilson Planning are 3 simple ideas:

For you that means we treat your development project as our own and if there are challenges, we will solve them. Because it is fun and because we want your project to go ahead. And it will.

My earliest childhood memories are dominated by buildings – opening the RSL art union mail packs and looking at the housing plans of the prize homes on the Gold Coast; hours buried in books on classic American architecture from my aunt; and Saturday mornings spent drawing buildings in spite of my father’s exhortations to get me out onto the sports field.

That was then crystallised by my Uncle Neil. A town planner and architect in the Department of Planning State Planning Authority, we used to visit his house in Manly. It was the quintessential architect’s house: quaint, sustainable and had stunning views out towards the ocean. He also had his own studio. He recommended I did town planning and that was that.

The other two ideas above are also purely personality quirks; but I do love complex problems and finding an answer, as well as helping people achieve what they want to do.


Our Values

These things matter to us in how we work:

The attitude test - for both of us - respectful, open, honest - treat others as you want to be treated.

Straight-up - If I don’t believe we can make it happen, I won’t bother - I won’t waste your time and money.

Integrity - We do what we say we will do – give open and honest advice - and we use time wisely.

Excellence - we take great pride in our work. We understand the importance of crossing all the bridges and dotting the ‘i’s and crossing all the ‘t’s on all the required documents. It’s what councils want to approve your project. Which is what we want.

Go the extra mile - we care. Plain and simple.


Our Planning Staff


Wes Wilson, Founder & Director

Wes Wilson

16 years working in councils (Gosford-Wyong, Lake Macquarie and Newcastle) with the 5 years at Newcastle as Coordinator of the Development Assessment Team at Newcastle City Council. Wes managed 18 full time staff that assessed 200+ DAs per year and had projects valued at a total of $1.5B during 2014. In 2015 he left to set up Wilson Planning.


Paras Zafari, Town Planner


Paras graduated from the Science and Research University of Tehran in 2013 with a Master's Degree in Geography and Town Planning. She held numerous government roles in Iran before emigrating to Australia with her husband in 2017. Paras gained experience at a prominent project home builder headquartered in Newcastle and, wanting to expand her planning skills and experience, commenced with Wes in 2021. 


He took ownership and made it happen

“ We needed DA approval to increase the number of people working from our home office. It was a bit tricky. Port Stephens Council can be quite sensitive about what they do and do not allow. That’s where Wes excelled.

When we really needed his town planning expertise, his knowledge around the guidelines… he really had done his homework. So at the moment we needed him to come forward and talk with Council town planners, Wes knew exactly what to say, and had the arsenal to deconstruct their argument; that was crucial to our success.

The other thing about Wes was that he took ownership of the project. He did everything he could to follow up with Council and expedite the process. We were really trying to get it done quickly; we had employment and all sorts of things riding upon it. Wes just got on to it and made it happen.

Scott Ward . Owner . Nelson Bay Physiotherapy