Getting Council approval for your development can be difficult.

There are numerous codes, rulings, and regulations that you have to navigate – SEPPS, LEPs, DCPs and Development contributions to name a few. And then they can vary according to your particular site or zone.

We know; we used to work there. For 16 years.

We understand the inner workings of councils – how they think about things and all the secret stuff that matters, which we use to your advantage.

And that is why we know how to get your development application approved, anywhere in NSW.


Get In Touch Now!

  • Discuss your development with our experts
  • Uncover potential problems you might encounter
  • Find out the best way to progress your project

Insider knowledge - fast tracking the approval process

With over 16 years’ senior experience at Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Gosford and Wyong Councils, Wes knows how they work. He understands the labyrinths and the arcane questions they ask and can fast track your DA approval through their mazes, saving you a lot of time and money.

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Results focus - making sure you have the development you want

We take ownership of your development approval as if it were our own. We know you want it signed off and underway and we go the extra mile to help you. If there are problems, we find you answers and make sure your development can go ahead.

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Making it easy to get your DA approval

Getting Council approval is a notoriously convoluted process and getting the paperwork right is crucial. Get it wrong and they will throw it back at you with endless requests for information and objections. Let us remove the stress, hassle and time out of dealing with Council so that you can focus on the other, more important parts of your project.

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Communication - critical to your success

When we first meet we get very precise about your requirements and then keep you informed every step of the way, making sure you know what is going on and that we can answer any questions or concerns you have.

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We fit into your world

We are a service business and understand that a development project is a lot of work and at times very stressful. That’s why we make ourselves available, so that you can always speak to the person handling your DA approval process, this is important for your peace of mind.

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“ Wes has great experience in local government. He knows how to ride the horse and is clever at working the system in getting the best results for us. He can cut through the bull#@! and ask the dynamic questions about what the council town planners need.

He has got some wonderful developments across the line for us.

I love his honesty, he keeps me well informed and always gives us options up-front. So we know what we are dealing with.

Paul Unicomb . Director . The Grange Property Group